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Hey there! I'm Nate.

I invest in small businesses and am the CEO of Skylink Group.

As an eight-figure small business owner, I’ve learned many lessons over the years, both good and bad!

This is why I want to help you improve your performance, profit, and potential without sacrificing what’s most important.

Join me, and GET OPTIMIZED!

-Nate Anglin

10 Stellar Ways a Global, Remote Team Can Supercharge Your Small Business

10 Stellar Ways a Global, Remote Team Can Supercharge Your Small Business

10 Stellar Ways a Global, Remote Team Can Supercharge Your Small Business

Is there such a thing as eternal happiness in business?

This question might be out of left field, but it's a crucial puzzle piece in the grand scheme of small business success. This pondering leads us to an overlooked truth: the vast, untapped potential lying dormant in the global talent pool.

In the ancient times of January 2020, before masks were a fashion statement, we at Skylink embarked on a grand adventure into the mystical lands of cloud-based ERP systems.

Picture us, brave explorers, stepping into a world where 'working from anywhere' wasn't just a dream whispered around old campfires but a bona fide reality. We were finally taking the first steps towards upgrading our technology infrastructure so we could work from anywhere.

Then, like an uninvited party guest, COVID-19 turned the world into a roller coaster ride of hand sanitizer and Zoom calls.

Fast forward to the pandemic's curtain call and people getting back to "work," we notice a strange phenomenon of complacency and entitlement. Showing up at the office (even a virtual one) was now an act of heroic sacrifice. 'Here sits Joe, bravely enduring the hardship of desk-sitting.'

We were offering domestic paychecks, but we had to throw in a hero medal to get someone to consider the gig.

So, armed with our shiny new tech stack, we faced a choice.

Stick to the old script, or turn the page and start recruiting talent from the most far-flung corners of the globe. And recruit we did!

And guess what?

This year turned out to be our best year since our inception in 1986.

The lesson?

Great talent isn't just hiding in your backyard, waiting to be discovered. It's scattered across this big, beautiful world of ours.

All you need to do is reach out and offer talent a good WiFi connection, a fair wage, benefits, and a clear mission. Oh, and don't be an asshole.

But beyond the humor and adventure lies a realm of practical benefits that a global, remote team brings to small businesses.

Let's dive into these advantages that are as substantial as they are transformative.

1/ Access to a Diverse Talent Pool

Why limit yourself to local talent when you can bring in the best from around the world?

This diverse talent pool brings a wealth of skills, experiences, and perspectives that can only benefit your business. Imagine the innovation when a software developer from Brazil collaborates with a marketing guru from Sweden.

Combining different cultural backgrounds and professional experiences can lead to solutions and ideas that a homogenous team might never consider.

2/ Better Results at a Small Business Wage

You'd be surprised how far your dollar can stretch globally.

You get incredible talent without breaking the bank — a win-win for small businesses. This cost-effective approach means you can allocate resources to other critical areas of your business, like research and development or customer service, ensuring a more comprehensive path to growth and success.

3/ Enhanced Innovation and Creativity

Different viewpoints and approaches to problem-solving mean more creative solutions.

Diversity isn't just a buzzword; it's a powerful catalyst for innovation. A team with varied life experiences and worldviews is more likely to challenge the status quo and think outside the box, leading to breakthroughs that can set your business apart in a competitive market.

4/ Cost-Effectiveness

Remote teams reduce overhead costs significantly.

With no need for a large physical office, you save on rent, utilities, and office supplies. This lean business approach improves your bottom line and enables a more agile and responsive operational model.

5/ Extended Business Hours

With team members in different time zones, your business operates around the clock.

This setup means quicker responses to customer inquiries, continuous progress on projects, and a broader service window for clients across the globe.

6/ Cultural Insights for Market Expansion

A global team brings a deep understanding of various cultures, which is invaluable when expanding into new markets.

These insights help tailor products and services to meet a diverse customer base's unique needs and preferences.

7/ Improved Employee Satisfaction and Retention

Remote work offers unparalleled flexibility, leading to higher job satisfaction.

Employees who enjoy a healthy work-life balance are more engaged, productive, and less likely to seek opportunities elsewhere.

8/ Resilience and Agility

Geographically diverse teams are less susceptible to economic, political, or natural disruptions.

This diversity ensures business continuity and a stable operational environment. Moreover, it enables quick adaptation to changing market conditions, allowing for swift strategic pivots without crippling downtime.

In essence, having team members spread across various regions equips your business with a global immune system, ready to respond and adapt to challenges as they arise.

9/ Learning and Development Opportunities

Exposure to different methodologies and working cultures fosters a rich learning environment. Team members grow professionally and personally, gaining a broader world perspective.

10/ Networking and Collaborations

Having an international team broadens your network, opening doors to new partnerships, collaborations, and business opportunities that can fuel growth and innovation.

This global network acts as a catalyst for entering new markets and accessing resources previously out of reach. It creates a melting pot of ideas, contacts, and opportunities, significantly amplifying your business's potential for cross-border collaborations and ventures.

Building a global, remote team is like assembling a superhero squad for your small business. It's about finding the right mix of talents and personalities that, together, create something extraordinary.

It's not just about surviving the current business climate; it's about thriving in it.

Ready to explore the benefits of a global, remote team for your small business?

Start by evaluating your current team structure and identifying areas where global talent can significantly impact.

Remember, the world is your oyster, and the pearls of talent are waiting to be discovered!

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