Nate Anglin

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5 Life-Changing Reasons to Embrace 'Airplane Mode' for Peak Performance in Work and Life

Mastering focus isn't just a skill; it's the foundation of extraordinary achievement.

In the buzzing hive of our daily lives, where distractions buzz around us like persistent flies, lies a hidden gem in our pockets – the 'Airplane Mode.' Far from being just a travel companion, this simple feature is a potent tool for anyone seeking peak performance in work and life.

But for me, it didn't start so clearly.

I was the Dory of the small business ocean. You know Dory, right? The adorably forgetful fish from "Finding Nemo"? Well, imagine her running a company, and you've got my daily reality. The difference was I wasn't forgetful; I was ADHD.

My goal was set on a $100 million in annual revenue.

The plan was to create an incredible growth hub for my team – think Willy Wonka's factory, but with less chocolate and more emails. And, of course, I wanted to shower our clients with massive value and transform the working lives of the people we support.

However, a massive hurdle stood in my way.

My love for novelty. It's like I'm at an all-you-can-eat buffet of ideas, and I can't stop piling stuff on my plate. "Ooh, look, a new project! And what's that? A shiny new business strategy! Must try that!"

My business mentor pointed out the obvious: I'm so jazzed about the new and shiny that all I do is dance around the real meaty stuff. It's like trying to run a marathon but getting distracted every 5 seconds.

I'd hop from one goal to another, chasing new ideas like a hyperactive squirrel.

The momentum was there, but I was too busy chasing business butterflies to notice.

The lesson?

You must put on blinders to focus on what truly matters to get anywhere.

It's about finding that sweet spot between 'Dory' and a laser-focused ninja.' So, if you are a hyperactive fish swimming in the sea of distractions, let's fix that with Airplane Mode.

The benefits of 'Airplane Mode.'

Embracing 'Airplane Mode' in your daily routine is profound.

It offers peace of mind, a rare commodity in our always-on world. The quality of your work isn't just maintained; it's enhanced, as focused attention allows for deeper, more meaningful output. Moreover, the efficiency gained isn't just about saving time; it's about optimizing it, ensuring every minute spent is a step towards what matters the most (e.g., goals, projects, or values).

It also leads to:

1/ Zen-Like Focus:

Picture this – your brain is a bustling airport with ideas as planes constantly take off and land.

Now imagine all those planes just... pause. That's 'Airplane Mode' for your life. It grounds the flights of distractions, leaving a clear runway for your thoughts to enjoy a peaceful, uninterrupted stroll down the tarmac of productivity.

2/ Battery Life Boost:

Ever notice how your phone's battery lasts longer in 'Airplane Mode'?

Apply that to yourself. By shutting off life's constant pings, dings, and rings, you're giving your mental battery a break, allowing it to recharge faster and last longer. It's like finding an extra energy pack in the game of life.

3/ Rediscovering the Art of Single-Tasking:

In a world where multitasking is the norm, 'Airplane Mode' turns you into a daring rebel – a single-tasker.

It allows you to focus on one task with the intensity of a cat watching a laser pointer. No more juggling. Just you and the task at hand, in a tango of productivity.

Imagine how much progress you can make by giving your most essential priorities your undistracted focus.

4/ Unplugged but Connected:

It sounds like an oxymoron, but hear me out.

Turning on 'Airplane Mode' disconnects you from the digital world but reconnects you with the real one. It's like taking a deep breath of fresh air in a forest instead of the recycled air of your digital life.

You get to reconnect with yourself, others, and the world around you – no Wi-Fi necessary.

5/ The Creativity Catalyst:

With no digital distractions, your brain gets the luxury to wander, ponder, and wonder. You lift the dam that holds back your creative river. Suddenly, ideas flow, innovation floods in, and creativity swirls around.

'Airplane Mode' isn't just a switch on your phone; it's a creative renaissance waiting to happen in your mind.

How to implement 'Airplane Mode.'

Airplane mode is simple.

Block out distractions and focus on the one thing that matters the most in this present moment. That could be a project you really need to make progress on, time with your kids, or a crucial daily habit like calling fifteen target prospects.

Here are a few strategies to take your Airplane Mode to a new level:

Tip 1: Use time blocking for focused work.

The true superpower in today's hyper-connected world isn't multitasking; it's time-blocking.

This approach dedicates specific time slots on your calendar for focused work, with 'Airplane Mode' as your guardian against interruptions. Imagine diving into a project, undisturbed all other distractions. It's about creating these pockets of peace.

Schedule one to two 90-minute sessions each day, where the world outside pauses, allowing you to immerse in what truly matters.

Tip 2: Only focus on one or two big projects at a time.

In the realm of productivity, less is often more.

The key to effective output is not scattering your energies across multiple projects but channeling them into one significant endeavor at a time. This approach mirrors the journey from distraction to depth, where focusing on a single project ensures its completion before you leap to the next.

It's about training yourself to tolerate the anxiety of the undone, freeing you to conquer what's in front of you with undivided attention.

You can't make progress on fifty undone projects.

Tip 3: Use the 50/1 rule for classifying tasks.

Envision a world where a mere 1% of your effort generates half your results.

The Pareto Principle says that 20 percent of the time you spend on projects creates 80 percent of the value. Or if you have a team of 10 salespeople, 2 of them will drive 80 percent of the revenue. Or 20 percent of your customers will generate 80 percent of your revenue.

When you 80/20 the 80/20 you get 64/4. 4 percent of your work gives you 64 percent of the value you create.

"It turns out that roughly 1 percent of the work will give you 50 percent of the value," says David Finkel.

"How can you find the right 1 percent of activities so that you generate 50 percent of the value you are currently generating while using 100 percent of your time?"

The concept of the 50/1 Rule reshapes how we view our tasks. It's about identifying that critical 1% – the activities that offer the most significant value – and pouring your energy into them.

This principle is a beacon, guiding you to focus where it counts, ensuring that your efforts aren't just drops in the ocean but waves creating impact.

'Airplane Mode' isn't just a feature; it's a philosophy for those aspiring to tap into their unique greatness.

It's about recognizing that in a world shouting for your attention, the quietest moments are where the magic happens. As we navigate through our daily whirlwind of tasks and distractions, remember that sometimes, the best way to move forward is to disconnect, focus, and then soar.