Nate Anglin

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Do You Know the 5 Powerful Business Systems That Help Small Teams Thrive and Avoid Time-Wasted Mediocrity?

Ever felt like your business is a wild beast you can't tame?

Imagine for a moment that you're a lion tamer, but instead of a single lion, you're in a cage with fifty—each representing a critical part of your business. That's the daily reality for many small business owners and teams, juggling multiple roles, constantly putting out fires, and often ending the day wondering where the time went.

Here's the rub: The traits that helped launch your business—passion, creativity, and an I-can-do-it-all attitude—can become your Achilles' heel as you grow. Without a shift in approach, you're essentially a juggler in a viewless circus act, as I once was, adding more tasks until they inevitably tumble down.

In the early days of my business journey, my office was my stage, and I was determined to be the star performer. My ADHD and a constant thirst for novelty meant I was always chasing the next shiny object, trying to keep all the balls in the air. It led to incredible innovations, but I had to learn an important truth: I'm no juggler. The realization hit me like a ton of bricks—I needed to stop the act and get serious about systems If I wanted to see my team thrive and maximize all the time and energy we put into things.

Transitioning from chaos to clarity requires a strategic shift—from chasing fleeting goals to implementing robust business operating procedures.

Here's the lowdown on how to make that shift by implementing these five procedures in your business:

Procedure 1: The Procedure for All Your Business Operating Procedures

Imagine your business as a finely tuned orchestra.

Every musician (or process) must know their part and how it fits into the larger symphony. This procedure is your musical score, outlining each step to create harmony in your operations.

The procedure for procedures outlines how to create, execute, and continually improve all your procedures. With hundreds of human and mechanical operating processes in action at any one time, keeping your company organized in any other way is possible.

Procedure 2: The Standards Procedure

Setting standards is like setting the rules of the game.

Without them, how do you know if you're winning or just running in circles? This system ensures everyone plays by the same rules, is aligned with your mission, and is focused on what truly matters.

Procedure 3: The Business Development Procedure

Think of this as your playbook for turning prospects into raving fans.

It's not about dazzling them with a one-off magic trick but about consistently delivering value, turning that initial intrigue into lasting loyalty.

It's about never getting complacent about sales.

This procedure outlines the exact process your business takes to acquire new customers.

Don't ignore this!

Procedure 4: The Service or Product Fulfillment Procedure

Your product or service is your promise to your customers—your "wow" factor. This procedure ensures the promise is met and exceeded every single time.

If you can deliver a WOW experience every time, your clients will always return for more.

Procedure 5: The Recruiting Procedure

Building a dream team isn't about collecting talent; it's about assembling a group that shares your vision and drive. This procedure ensures you're filling seats and empowering future leaders who will help carry your business forward.

Additionally, unless you like being stuck in the business and working long, grueling hours, you must work with and through other people. But it's more complex than posting a job ad and hiring anyone who applies. This procedure outlines how you create new jobs, what exact expectations are required, the interview questions, how you score each candidate, and how you make a job offer.

Transforming your business from a wild circus act into a well-oiled machine takes time. It's a journey that requires patience, persistence, and a shift from a goal-centric to a system-centric mindset.

So, what's the next step?

Think about all the business operating procedures you need. Take one core procedure, just one, and start there. Map it out, implement it, refine it, and then move on to the next. Bit by bit, you'll transform your business, reduce your stress, and find that elusive work-life balance (a myth!).

Remember, the greatest show on earth isn't the one with the most daring acrobatics or the flashiest performers; it's the one where every element works in perfect harmony to create something truly magical. Let's make your business that show.