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Hey there! I'm Nate.

I invest in small businesses and am the CEO of Skylink Group.

As an eight-figure small business owner, I’ve learned many lessons over the years, both good and bad!

This is why I want to help you improve your performance, profit, and potential without sacrificing what’s most important.

Join me, and GET OPTIMIZED!

-Nate Anglin

A Results Only Work Environment

A Results Only Work Environment

This was from the latest edition of The Optimized Report newsletter, a collection of actionable ideas to help small business teams improve their performance, profit, and potential without sacrificing what's most important.

The future of work will continue to change dramatically.

For years, I've been passionate about work as a product of outcomes, not the time spent to achieve those outcomes.

How you spend time "working" should be at your sole discretion, not some corporate robot telling what hours of the day you MUST work. Technology and the pandemic are pushing more people to value companies who embrace this methodology.

I'll continue to adopt a Results Only Work Environment for my teams over the coming months.

Now, on to this week's optimized ideas: 👇

1/ Embrace This To Fuel Your Growth

"We're human beings, not human doings. A part of being is learning new things and accepting challenges. Learning to embrace failure and the core lessons failure teaches."

Growing isn't predicated based on people working a 9 to 5.

It's about challenging yourself, failing, and learning, every-single-day. There's no growth in the comfort zone.

Look for ways you can challenge yourself to achieve your goals.

2/ Measure Results Not Time

"To reinvent work, we have to destroy the clock."

Workdays, hours, and vacation time is an outdated model in a world of knowledge work.

"Everybody is aware that time is a poor substitute, but we've taken up the assumption that our output is proportional to hours," said Jon Pencavel in The Hustle.

We should only care about results. That's what's truly important. Who cares if that takes 36 hours out of the week. Results are results.

I'm deeply interested in the concept of a Results Only Work Environment (ROWE).

Related: The One Massive Mistake I Made As A Small Business CEO And How You Can Avoid It

3/ What's Most Important?

"We live in a world filled with endless dopamine hits."

Anthony Pompliano decided he didn't want to make other people wealthier.

It wasn't worth the time he was investing. "Time is the only asset in the world that can't be purchased."

He decided to focus on what's important to him, a crucial lesson we can all learn from.

Related: How To Die To The Rush Of Time To Live In The Present

4/ Employee Self Accountability

"The implicit deal is that you're not going to be micromanaged, or candidly, managed at all, but you will need to 'put up numbers' and be accountable to the rest of the team."

For years my teams have conducted a Daily Huddle.

In it, we outline our Wins from the past day, What's Up, our top priorities for the day, and any Stucks we're facing.

I heard Jason Calacanis talk about a Start Of Day and End Of Day (EOD) Report. He also wrote a blog post about it.

It's a great concept that pairs well with a Results Only Work Environment.

And because "software and tech become larger and more important, more of their jobs can be outsourced," says Tyler Cowen, so self-accountability is crucial in a digital work world.

Related: 5 Universal No Tech Principles You Can't Live Without For Maximum Productivity

5/ The Metaverse

"Facebook has always demonstrated a real understanding of going where the attention is."

Is the Future of the Internet in the Metaverse?

Of course, it is. Will it be as Facebook envisions? Who knows, but Web3 will only progress. It's even more exciting when you hear Gary Vaynerchuk and Mark Zuckerberg talk about it.

The takeaway: Don't sit on the sidelines.

Learn how you can start to adopt a web3 mentality.

Subscribe to The Optimized Report which features a collection of actionable ideas to help small business teams improve their performance, profit, and potential without sacrificing what’s most important.

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