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Hey there! I'm Nate.

I invest in small businesses and am the CEO of Skylink Group.

As an eight-figure small business owner, I’ve learned many lessons over the years, both good and bad!

This is why I want to help you improve your performance, profit, and potential without sacrificing what’s most important.

Join me, and GET OPTIMIZED!

-Nate Anglin

How to Massively Improve Your Business Skills in Less Time with the 3-Phase LPE Framework

How to Massively Improve Your Business Skills in Less Time with the 3-Phase LPE Framework

Ever felt like you're stuck on a hamster wheel, endlessly running but not moving forward?

You've probably been on this dreadful wheel of stagnation. Finding comfort in routines, the familiar, and the status quo is easy. But if you want a pay hike, need to impress the boss, or want to be the boss, then you have to step up your game.

However, learning new skills can feel as challenging as tightrope walking across the Grand Canyon without a proper framework.

So, here's your ticket out of the hamster wheel — my simple yet powerful LPE Framework:

Phase 1: Learn

The learning phase is pure "classroom" style education:

• Read a book

• Take a course

• Watch a video

It's all about gorging on knowledge like a starved university student on free pizza day.

Phase 2: Practice

The practice phase is all about applying what you learned in low-risk environments:

• Role-play scenarios

• Practice on a test account

• Spend time being coached or mentored

Do anything that doesn't officially go "live."

Phase 3: Execute

In the final phase, you'll execute in situations that matter.

If you're in sales, you'll begin to prospect. If you're in the supply chain, you'll start negotiating and processing purchase orders. If you're a new leader, you'll fully take on the responsibility of a team.

So, get off that hamster wheel.

Implement the LPE Framework and become the skill-acquiring superhero your business needs. Because, let's face it, learning isn't just about personal growth — it's the rocket fuel your career needs to reach the stars.

Ready to put on that cape?

5 Inexcusable Reasons Why 79% of Success is Just Showing Up and Doing the Essential Work

5 Inexcusable Reasons Why 79% of Success is Just Showing Up and Doing the Essential Work

3 Powerful Questions You Must Answer for Your Team or Watch Employee Disengagement Skyrocket

3 Powerful Questions You Must Answer for Your Team or Watch Employee Disengagement Skyrocket