Build A Business (Or Career), Not A Prison

Are You Primed to Catapult Your Small B2B Business (Or Career) Beyond the Ordinary?

But do you feel your business is running on a hamster wheel, fast but going nowhere?

Every Sunday, The Optimized Report delivers actionable insights and systems designed to liberate you and your team, ensuring you build a thriving small business, not a burdensome prison. Building a business (or career) that sucks the soul and time out of every second of your life isn't sustainable. Or healthy.

It's possible to build a thriving small business with better systems and mouth-watering results, all with fewer yet more impactful employees.

I’ll show you how.


Don’t just take my word for it:

As a small business owner who took a struggling family-owned business from $3,000,000 to $10,000,000, $20,000,000 with a target of $100,000,000, I've seen it all.

We now support commercial airlines and air forces worldwide with their daily aircraft part needs (think big engines, expensive bolts, the computers pilots use—you get the picture).

This was only possible through radical optimization and building systems that could survive beyond any single person.

Why The Optimized Report?

Because "good enough" isn't in your vocabulary. 

And, you're tired of running in place, watching your life pass you by because all you do is work "in" the business.

Each edition is a treasure trove of meticulously curated, actionable strategies from first-hand experience designed to:

Systemize Like a Pro: Learn how to turn chaotic workflows into well-oiled machines that deliver results around the clock.

Let Purposeful Priorities Propel You Forward: If you focus on everything, you focus on nothing, so this newsletter will help you focus on the few things that matter the most.

Unlock Efficiency: Discover the art of doing more with less. It's possible to have less hassle and fewer employees, all while driving impactful outcomes. 

Drive More Growth or Sustainability: Each edition is a stepping stone to scaling your business without the growing pains. But, even if you don't want to "grow," this weekly report will guide you to driving business results that don't require every painstaking hour of your time.

Time is Gold: I value your time because I practice what I preach and invest in my Return On Time. That's why every edition of The Optimized Report is a brisk, under-5-minute read packed with wisdom you can implement before your coffee cools.

Expect More Than Just Tips

Each issue of The Optimized Report is a bite-sized powerhouse of wisdom. 

In less than five minutes, you'll unravel insights and tactics that others take years to discover. It's not just about working smarter or harder; it's about transformative shifts that redefine your business landscape and your life.

Ready for your Sunday to be the launchpad for the week ahead?

Great, and I’ll also send you…

Special Bonuses When You Join:

Bonus 1: Sage business advice from successful operators.

Ready to skyrocket your results?

To start, I’ll deliver an exclusive 5-part issue filled with sage advice from prosperous entrepreneurs, trailblazing leaders, and masterful coaches.

Elevate your business (or career) performance...

Bonus 2: The Return On Time (ROT) Audit

Working hard doesn't guarantee results.

What guarantees results is working on the right things. If you focus on everything, you focus on nothing, so you might as well focus on what matters the most.

Time is your most significant investment, and you do it daily. So you can only afford to spend it on things that matter.

The Return On Time Audit will help you focus on what matters the most in business and life. 

This quick and easy checklist takes just minutes to complete but will help you make lasting changes in how you spend your time.

Bonus 3: The Optimized Goals Guide

Get ready to power up your productivity and unleash your full potential with this short but powerful Optimized Goals Guide.

You'll learn how to focus on the things that MATTER the most, even when there's an endless stream of distraction and temptation around every corner.

Optimized Goals will teach you how to create meaningful goals aligned with your vision, mission, and values. 

Using this approach, you'll be able to achieve more than ever before.

Bonus 4: 2 Frameworks To Become Laser Focused On What Matters The Most

You're busy — it feels like there aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done.

How often have you started your day with the best intentions, only to find yourself 3 hours later putting out fires, replying to "urgent" emails, or doom-scrolling your social feeds?

Optimized Productivity can help you regain control of your time and become more focused and productive.

This guide will teach you how to prioritize what's important, eliminate distractions, and stay laser-focused on your goals.

Plus Another Surprise Gift