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Hey there! I'm Nate.

I invest in small businesses and am the CEO of Skylink Group.

As an eight-figure small business owner, I’ve learned many lessons over the years, both good and bad!

This is why I want to help you improve your performance, profit, and potential without sacrificing what’s most important.

Join me, and GET OPTIMIZED!

-Nate Anglin

5 Concerning Reasons Why AI Will Make People Stupid

5 Concerning Reasons Why AI Will Make People Stupid

While everyone raves about AI, the machine is slowly putting its small byte-sized claws into our sentient brains, devastating our cognitive abilities.

Will AI massively improve productivity and human capabilities? Absolutely. Yet, the dark side of all of this is how technology has already made us weak and soft.

We're lazier, unhealthier, and less happy, even while revolutionary innovations surround us.

With AI, it's easy to fall into the trap of relying on it for as much as it's capable of doing—just like any other technology. Michael Easter laid it out remarkably in his book, The Comfort Crisis:

"So it’s no wonder Steve Jobs famously wouldn’t let his children use the iPad. He’s not the only tech guru who questioned what he was pushing. A massive swell of Silicon Valley workers who develop mobile tech and apps don’t allow themselves or their kids to use the Valley’s products. One former Facebook exec told the New York Times that she is 'convinced the devil lives in our phones.' Another said that Silicon Valley tools are 'ripping apart the social fabric of society.'"

In the long run, we will be able to achieve more things with technology. However, we will also see a decline in our cognition for those who can't break free of their addictions.

These are five reasons AI will dumb humans:

1) Less thinking.

Most people will use AI to make decisions for them. They will eventually be unable to decide what to do on their own.

2) Always taking the easy route.

AI makes life easier by automating tasks, but it can also lead to always taking shortcuts. Some things require good 'ole hard work to improve yourself.

3) Avoidance of challenge.

AI can make complex tasks easier, but it will make people avoid all challenges and conflicts. Without friction, people won't improve.

4) Over-reliance.

Because AI is so easy, people will use it for everything. Eventually, they won't know what to do without it—like the freakouts when WiFi drops out as they zip through the sky.

5) No personal creativity and imagination.

People will use AI for all their creative needs. They won't be able to generate sparks of genius on their own.

The lesson:

Don't give technology all the keys to your mental kingdom.

Take the time to think for yourself, challenge yourself, and engage in creative activities without technology.

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5 Potent Standard-Setting Benefits to Unlock Your Business's Full Potential

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