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Hey there! I'm Nate.

I invest in small businesses and am the CEO of Skylink Group.

As an eight-figure small business owner, I’ve learned many lessons over the years, both good and bad!

This is why I want to help you improve your performance, profit, and potential without sacrificing what’s most important.

Join me, and GET OPTIMIZED!

-Nate Anglin

6 Accountability Mistakes That Make You A Less Effective Leader

6 Accountability Mistakes That Make You A Less Effective Leader

Accountability is a core responsibility of leadership.

If you’re unable or unwilling to hold your team accountable, then you’re ineffective as a leader. Accountability is difficult, especially if you fear confrontation. But holding someone accountable doesn’t mean it’s going to lead to conflict.

These are the accountability mistakes all leaders must avoid:

1. Unclear hand-offs: you can’t hold someone accountable with a messy hand-off. Accurately tell them what they need to do, by when, how it should be reported back to you, and when you’ll follow up with them.

2. Dropped deliverables: all deliverables must be captured systematically, presented publicly (ideally), and followed up on consistently.

3. Inaccurate or hidden assumptions: most people need more context that you assume they know. For example, don’t assume a new employee has as much context as your fifteen years in a company.

4. Lack of follow-through: always follow-up with how and what people are accountable for. You’re the Chief Reminding Officer, reminding your team of what’s most important.

5. A culture of blame, excuses, and defensiveness: set the standard. A failure of your team is a failure of you as their leader. There’s nobody to blame but yourself.

6. Treating your team like children: don’t let them off the hook. Don’t protect them from low-level mistakes that they can learn from. And most of all, believe in what they’re capable of achieving until they prove otherwise.

If you want to be a great leader, learn to hold your team accountable in a healthy and positive way.

5 Essential Sections Every Job Description Must Clearly Articulate For Maximum Impact

5 Essential Sections Every Job Description Must Clearly Articulate For Maximum Impact

You Can't Control Your Time, But You Can Do This

You Can't Control Your Time, But You Can Do This