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Hey there! I'm Nate.

I invest in small businesses and am the CEO of Skylink Group.

As an eight-figure small business owner, I’ve learned many lessons over the years, both good and bad!

This is why I want to help you improve your performance, profit, and potential without sacrificing what’s most important.

Join me, and GET OPTIMIZED!

-Nate Anglin

Do You Make Excuses For Not Taking Time To Relax?

[dropcap]I[/dropcap]ntrovert, extrovert, whatever-vert, we all need to find time to relax, so what makes you any different?


take time to relax

You wake up early in the morning just like every other business professional. You tend to your children if you have any and shoot out the door for work, not to return for 12 hours. Once you get home you tend to your children again, are exhausted and go to bed. You do this day in and day out. You never take any time for you or your family.

You're always tired, grumpy and just a pain to be around.

But why relax when there is so much to do right?


If you're human, an entrepreneur or even possibly an alien, finding the time and learning how to relax from stress is a critical part to your success.


Everyone Needs To Make Time To Relax

By creating time for yourself you'll rejuvenate your mind, body and soul.

There's no excuse walking around half asleep and to think using only 50% of your brain power is good for anyone. It's not. Who wants to run at 50% their potential?


By making the time to relax you get several benefits which you may not have considered before.

  • De-stress - relaxing gives you the ability to wind down and be calm. You can escape the daily stressors and live in your own peaceful world for a moment.
  • Sparks Creativity - by creating time to wind down, you open your mind to new possibilities. The greatest creativity is a product of a relaxed mind [Tweet This].
  • Rejuvenating - by relaxing you get energized and are ready to get back to the daily grind.
  • Life Assessment - when you relax you have the ability to reflect on your life. Do you like what you see? If not, begin to make changes once your done relaxing.


How To Relax From Stress and The Daily Hustle Bustle

Taking the time to relax can be easy if you're not stressed.

The problem occurs once stress enters your life and you begin to lose control of your own time. You think I need to do this, or they'll get mad if I don't do that, or what an idiot, I need to fix this.

It's a self-perpetuating cycle of doom.


Quite making these objective statements in your head and begin to evaluate everything you do.

More than likely you'll see that you stress about stupid things that could either wait, be delegated or not done at all.

To get the most out of your life, here are a few of my ideas to relax:

  • Go to the beach
  • Get in the mountains
  • Spend a day with the family at the zoo
  • Watch a movie, comedy would be best
  • Read a book in the tub by candle light
  • Curl up next to the fire
  • Don't forget to smile and sleep

Taking the time to relax isn't your right, it's your obligation. Being a busy business professional is half the battle, taking care of yourself is the rest.

If don't want your mind and body working at its best, then just give up.

Who the hell want's to be mediocre? I don't and I'm pretty sure neither do you.

Quit making excuses and relax. Your mind and business deserve it.

Take action:

I want you to take 3 hours one day this week and just relax. Your to do nothing but relax and enjoy the company of yourself and / or your family. Put the devices away and only focus on the present moment.

Once you do this, comment below on how you felt during those 3 hours and how it rejuvenated you the next day.

The Excuse Epidemic and Why You're Failing

Why Brain Fog Destroys And The Entrepreneurs Cure