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Hey there! I'm Nate.

I invest in small businesses and am the CEO of Skylink Group.

As an eight-figure small business owner, I’ve learned many lessons over the years, both good and bad!

This is why I want to help you improve your performance, profit, and potential without sacrificing what’s most important.

Join me, and GET OPTIMIZED!

-Nate Anglin

Transform Your Life With These

Transform Your Life With These

This was from the latest edition of The Optimized Report newsletter, a collection of actionable ideas to help small business teams improve their performance, profit, and potential without sacrificing what's most important.

Most people are terrified of Monsters. But not just any Monster — the Monster of change.

People are terrified of change. But, the hard truth is, if you seek transformation, you must seek change.

The things want in life, or even better, need, require you to push beyond your comfort zone, to reach new heights, and make progress on #goals beyond your current capabilities.

You need to accept that if you want to slay the Monster, you must first take the leap.

Now, on to this week's optimized ideas: 👇

1/ How To Take The Leap

Taking the leap takes courage.

In this short essay, you'll learn how to use the LEAP principle to make constant progress toward your most difficult goals.

It's a great acronym that you can apply to your life when you need to jump.

Related: 2 Difficult Ideas All Successful People Embrace To Fuel Their Growth

2/ Want To Drink Euphoria?

Most things are terrible for you, alcohol, drugs, and tobacco, but they feel so damn good.

I can relate to JW Ross that alcohol acts as a social lubricant, and I tend to dislike most social gatherings, know where that heads.

He's created an energy drink that feels like euphoria.

I've ordered a case to try it, so more to come on that, but this is the recipe:

  • 5 parts Kava

  • 1 part Kratom

  • Pineapple juice (for the Vitamin C)

  • Coconut cream (for the fatty acids)

  • M Stevia as the sweetener

Related: Do You Have Business ADD? Focused Flexibility Is Your Cure

3/ Write Emails Like A Pro

Writing great emails can change your life.

I'm a huge believer in writing effective messages.

Sahil Bloom's recent Substack newsletter gives a great framework to write effective cold emails.

He'll teach you how to keep your emails short and sweet, personalized, how to add compliments, create value, and how to add a clear call to action.

Related: How To Get Prospects To Reply To Your Sales Email

4/ Best Crypto Investment Advice

Most investment advice is dumb unless you don't know any better.

I've particularly liked the Barbell Investment Strategy, but Bankless HQ does an excellent job explaining how the barbell investment strategy applies to crypto natives.

They believe you should hold real estate assets as a less risky investment and crypto on the riskier side, which creates your barbell.

And if you're under the age of 50, Nick Huber recommends you fire your wealth manager. 🤷‍♂️

5/ Optimize Your Sleep & Performance

I'm a zombie when I get poor sleep.

My brain functions poorly, I'm grumpy, and everything is annoying.

Sleep is one of the most important things you can do for your health.

On his podcast, Tim Ferriss had on one of my favorite health experts, Dr. Andrew Huberman, to discuss optimizing sleep and performance.

If you want some ideas on improving every facet of your health, listen to this podcast.

Subscribe to The Optimized Report which features a collection of actionable ideas to help small business teams improve their performance, profit, and potential without sacrificing what’s most important.

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