5 Lies Shitty Managers Tell Themselves (Are You One Of Them)

I’ve been a shitty manager. I’d expect others to have telepathic capabilities to the inner workings of my head.

I’d abdicate until someone screwed up following my half-assed instructions, then, I’d be the far too familiar “helicopter manager.”

There are lies we tell ourselves as managers that make us shitty. And downright wrong.

To be an effective leader, you’ll avoid these five lies managers tell themselves.

The Real Reason You Fail In Your Arguments (& How To Win Them All Starting Today)

We all argue. It’s a natural part of business. So is conflict.

In his book, the “The Five Dysfunctions Of A Team,” Patrick Lencioni words it beautifully,

“All great relationships, the ones that last over time, require productive conflict in order to grow. This is true in marriage, parenthood, friendship, and certainly business.”

The real reason you’re losing arguments is that your points are all inward. They’re all about you.

The One Way Anyone Can Motivate Themselves To Work Harder

You can motivate yourself to work harder without doing extra mental work.

No meditation. No retreats. No weekend-long planning sessions.

We all do things that don’t inspire us. They fall outside of our critical A & B level activities.

That’s the nature of the beast.

In every job.

But if you want to succeed, you need to be motivated. You need to be inspired by your work.

Win Every Deal With Your Core Negotiating Strategy

I lost $500,000. It was my fault. Gone before it even started. No excuses. The reason? I missed a critical step in my core negotiating strategy. Okay, it wasn’t a step, it was half the plan.

We had won a big deal for a Skylink maintenance project. The order was received. The deal was sealed.

But I missed a fundamental step in my core negotiating strategy, and it cost me a lot of money...

Habits Of The Healthy, Wealthy & Wise

How similar are you to Bill Gates, Richard Branson, or Walt Disney? After all, you’re both human, right?

You’re practically a brother or sister. Congrats. You share the common theme of being human. But that’s not close to half the battle. You're missing something else. Are you healthy? Are you wealthy? Are you wise?