Nate Anglin

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5 Ways Activated Charcoal Will Benefit Your Life

What if you could soak up poisons and improve intestinal health from a small black pill? activated-charcoal

No, this “magical” isn’t something like the pill on the Matrix.

Instead, it’s made from insoluble carbonized wood that's oxidized by gases at high temperatures.

For over 10,000 years, healers from Chinese medicine have used it for it’s absorption capabilities.

Just 2 grams of activated charcoal powder has nearly the same surface area as a football field.

Now imagine the powerful impact this has in your stomach.

A detoxifying super giant

The oxidative process that creates activated charcoals creates very fine pores and results in it’s ability to absorb 100 times its weight in toxins, bacteria, chemicals, and unwanted medications.

When the charcoal enters your system it attaches to the foreign bodies so that they are passed out of the body by elimination.

This prevents you from replicating or absorbing certain material into your bloodstream. [CLICK TO TWEET]

Many air and water filters use charcoal for it’s absorption capabilities.

When you bought a Brita you may have seen black in the water during your first flush.

Aquasana takes this a step further with it’s 3 stage filtration using activated carbon, ion exchange and sub-micron filtration to significantly increase surface area.

There’s a reason charcoal has been used for 10,000+ years and so many companies use it for toxin absorption.

So why are you missing out?

Activated charcoal benefits

By now you know that activated charcoal has a pretty hefty way to absorb foreign material.

But what does this mean for you?

Will your poop turn black, will it absorb your food nutrients, and will it flush out your good gut flora?

Not quite.

It binds to foreign invaders, toxins that shouldn't be allowed in your body.

Think more along the lines of alcohol, crappy food, metals, and bacteria.

Here are the distinct activated charcoal benefits:

  • Overall detoxification: Chronic exposure to toxins will create cellular damage, allergic reactions, poor immunity, and increased aging. By taking activated charcoal you’ll remove this unwanted toxins from your body.
  • Relieves digestive issues: Upon digesting foods like beans, the decomposition from bacteria creates unruly gas or diarrhea. You remember the song “bean, beans, the magical fruit…” don’t you? Activated charcoal binds to the byproducts created by bacteria and alleviates these digestive issues.
  • Neutralizer for drugs, chemicals, poisons & alcohol: If you ingest poisons such as alcohol, chlorine, or unwanted drugs, taking a single large dose of activated charcoal will help your body flush the poisons faster. Activated charcoal adsorbs most organic chemicals, many inorganic chemicals, drugs, pesticides, mercury, and even lead, before they harm your body.
  • Anti-aging: As you age your brain becomes incredibly sensitive to toxins. Activated charcoal slows this rate and encourages better cognitive function. It also prevents many cellular changes associated with aging, adrenal gland, and kidney function.
  • Heart health: Activated charcoal lowers the amount of total lipids, cholesterol, and triglycerides in your blood, liver, heart, and brain.

When should you take activated charcoal?

Let me clear something up.

Taking activated charcoal isn’t your excuse to force feed toxins through your mouth.

Overdoing alcohol, drinking poor quality water and eating bad food will always result in a worse you.

However, there are times you should take advantage of activated charcoal:

  • Take it when you’ve had one too many drinks
  • Take it when you have to eat at a subpar restaurant with poor quality meat and produce
  • When you feel yourself getting tired or moody
  • Put it on your toothbrush for stained teeth
  • Take it when you feel bloated or have stomach pains
  • It is helpful for jet lag
  • Take it during pregnancy to bind toxins

Activated charcoal benefits are many!

Whether you're using it to correct indirect digestion of foreign material, or to help with poor decisions you made, it’s a must have remedy in your daily arsenal.

So what are you waiting for? Do you take activated charcoal? Have you seen positive effects? Comment below.