All in Life

The One Thing You Must Do Every Morning

If you’re looking for glorified fairy dust to spring you out of bed in the morning, this isn’t for you.

However, if you’re looking for a new tip, to get your day started the right way, keep reading.

Everyone talks about the morning routine. And sure, a solid morning routine is nice, but I still believe the pre-morning routine is your best bet for a great morning.

I also believe what happens in your sheets (get your mind out of the gutter) before your feet hit the ground is the next best thing.


Because that’s where the day starts.

This small trick has helped start my morning on the right foot, many times.

This Will Instantly Change How People First Think Of You

He woke up moody. Never happy. A miserable chump that liked being a grump.

Do you know someone like this? Be honest. Is it you?

Maybe you’re not grumpy, maybe you’re sad, a perpetual crier, liar or any unfriendly emotion/habit. We all go through these emotions at some point in our lives.

We all experience pain, failure and sadness. But, these emotions aren’t attractive.

Your Mom's Advice Wasn’t Worthless: Patience Is A Virtue And Here’s Why

I’m as patient as a cat in a fishbowl. As a dog in front of a bone. As patient as a toddler in a toy store.

I’m not patient.

When you look deep within yourself, you’re impatient for many reasons.

I’m impatient because of my wild personality traits. ADD, type-A, mildly OCD and introverted. Go ahead, keep thinking it.

I’m a mess, and it’s safe to say, you’re not far behind me.

Over the years of building my business, I’ve learned many lessons on how to be patient, which I’ll share with you now…

How To Be Healthy In An Unhealthy Office

Your coworkers are killing themselves. Digging a grave with their mouth.

Rotting away, day by day.

Between 2015 and 2016 39.8% of US adults were considered obese.

You know, the thing that causes heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer and as the CDC put it, “…that are some of the leading causes of preventable, premature death.”

Preventable damn it.

Commuting, plopping down at a desk for 8–10 hours a day. Staring at a screen and slamming down junk food, ending up in a daily funk.

Is this “well-being?”

11 Simple Ways You Can Live A Great Life, Personally & Professionally

Life gets in the way they say. There’s never enough time.

And to that, I say bullshit.

I’ve been there. When I started taking over my company, I was forced to figure out what business really was.

16 hours a day clawing and scratching.

It left me no time for the things that mattered. It left me with no time for my inputs, as Nicolas Cole would say.

I gained weight. I sat at the computer, the phone, hammering out results.

At the time, it felt needed, but that’s not the way to live life.