ADD Is My Superpower. Here’s why…

I sat on a piece of wood. The “seat” looked like a T. The purpose --- If I moved too much, I’d fall out of my seat. 

Then. I took this ridiculous pill. It made me dumb. Slow. Uninterested. A joke. After tests and teachers prodding and probing at my diagnoses, my parents let me live. 

Why Your Resume Belongs In A Paper Shredder & How To Fix It

Here’s how you find a job. You write a resume. You search open positions. You apply to any position that has a pulse. Right?

Far too often, people use their resume as a means to no end. They think all they need a resume and POOF and a job offer will appear. And yes, this does happen sometimes, but it’s a gamble, and more than likely you’re not getting the position you really want.

Choice Overload & How To Combat It

I found myself surfing Amazon for the perfect product. It had to be right. The right reviews. The right package design. The right specifications.

It felt like I was in a vortex. Sucking me in. Clicking and blinking. My eye's blurred. Frustration set. Just choose a damn option, I told myself. And yet, I still had 5,000 more pages to skim. 

Why All Leaders Fail

Have you ever failed at something? You made a big decision and it flopped? You fell right on your nose. What was it? How did it feel? Leaders fail. Leaders learn. Leaders adapt.

Are you Valuable?

As gut wrenching as this is, you’re not alone. I estimate 95% of the worlds population answers with a profound no. I could sit here and riddle through why that’s bad and why you should change but why?

8 Things Every Person Should Do Before 8 A.M.

Life is busy. It can feel impossible to move toward your dreams. If you have a full-time job and kids, it’s even harder. How do you move forward? If you don’t purposefully carve time out every day to progress and improve — without question, your time will get lost in the vacuum of our increasingly crowded lives.